Blog Archives


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We LOVE goldfish!

A couple years ago my sister Katie and niece Sadie delivered bulls to a local rancher. While there, they were introduced to one of the ranchers VERY large goldfish whose home was a stock water tank. We’ve since incorporated this ingenious idea into our operation. This summer Molly, Grace and I released about 16 goldfish […]

New Apron for the boys!

Weaning is just around the corner and the crew is busy sprucing up our feedlot pens for the bulls and heifers.  Calves are looking good thus far and we’re anxious to take weights the Tuesday following Labor Day!

Ranch Kids for the summer

The kids have been spending quite a lot of time at the ranch this summer and we have them busy unplugging sprinkler heads on the pivots, moving hand lines, roguing rye and taking care of a “few” gophers. I give them two more weeks of working for Kate and I and they’ll be plum ready to head […]