“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.”
– Augustin of Hippo
My grandpa Jack Cooper said on numerous occasions that one of the greatest rewards that came from working in the cattle industry was having the opportunity to meet so many wonderful people. I couldn’t agree more with him. I look at the people I have met thus far as a result of my parent’s and grandparent’s involvement in the Hereford breed and feel truly blessed.
Over the last couple weeks we’ve had many wonderful cattlemen stop in and tour our ranch on their return fromĀ the World Hereford Conference in Canada. One such group included about 30 delightful folks from Uruguay. They were inquisitive, knowledgeable, gracious, and fun. If they are any reflection of the people and culture of Uruguay then I’m booking my ticket for the 2016 Hereford Conference ASAP. Montevideo here I come!!! But first, I shall finally put to use the Rosetta Stone (Spanish version) I purchased over three years ago : )
Montevideo here I come ; )
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